Monthly Archives: March 2020

Learning to Relax in the Time of Coronavirus

Stress Weakens Immune System, Which is Kind Of Important for Fighting Virus

We need to relax.


Stress, according to the Cleveland Clinic, occurs when life events surpass our ability to cope. Well, with everything going on, from a collapsing stock market to the local grocery store running out of stuff to a virus that is going to kill us all, “life events” have way surpassed most people’s ability to cope.

All that stress isn’t good for us.

I know you are saying “duh,” but it’s physiological. 

Stress is a defense mechanism. It causes our bodies to produce higher levels of cortisol. In short little bursts, cortisol boosts our immune systems by limiting inflammation.

But, when the stress is persistent, our body adjusts to the constant high levels of cortisol. And that, my friends, causes greater inflammation. 

Stress also decreases lymphocytes; those all-important white blood cells that fight infections.

So, following the logic here, the lower the lymphocytes level, the higher the risk of getting a virus.

It’s a Catch-22. Virus fears cause stress, white blood cell counts drop because of stress, as does our body’s ability to fight a virus. That’s the opposite of what we need to be doing right now. 

Go back to what is causing the stress — Coronavirus — and we are placing ourselves at greater risk by being stressed out.

We need to turn off our TVs, put down our devices and listen to a great symphony — I’m listening to Beethoven’s Ninth at the moment — and practice meditating and relaxing. There are some great apps out there. I use Headspace and it has changed my life. There are many tools to help you relax.

I go on YouTube sometimes and type in relaxing sounds, put on my headphones and lie down for 20 minutes. It’s an easy, free coping mechanism. It completely clears my head. 

My friend — who has a degree in health and nutrition — also recommends taking absorbable Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. 

These are stressful times to be sure, but it is super important to learn how to relax. I’m seeing it with my own family. 

It’s literally for your health.